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Sam Hilton
Meet the Team 21 of 22

21. Sam Hilton

1.NameSam Hilton
2.NicknameSumo, Baby Rhino, Shilton,
3.PositionLoose head
4.Previous ClubsNewcastle University
5.Earliest Rugby MemoryWatching the 1997 World Cup Final
6.Best ground you’ve played atThe ‘Theatre of Trees’
7.Rugby IdolJason Leonard
8.Best dressed team mateTaff – everything comes back in fashion eventually
9.Worst dressed team matePaz – never seen him out of full rugby kit
10.Worst training drill?All of it
11.If you didn’t play rugby, what sport would you playAmerican Wrestling
12.Favourite rugby momentWinning the play off in 2014 to get promotion
13.Celebrity lookalikeJason Manford or the guy from the Reed recruitment advert
14.Which 3 famous people would you have over for dinnerRod Stewart – for the music, Peter Kay – for the laughs, Mike Tindall – I’ve heard he enjoys a good party (maybe invite some dwarfs over as well!)
15.Last try you scoredabout 1989

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