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Meet the Team 6 of 22

6. Dave Bruen

1.NameDavid Bruen
3.PositionInside Centre/Fly Half
4.Previous ClubsWarrington Wolves, Aldwinains
5.Earliest Rugby MemoryWatching my father play for Swinton @ Central Park
6.Best ground you’ve played atDW Stadium
7.Rugby IdolBrad Fitler
8.Best dressed team mateJames Singy
9.Worst dressed team mateLouis Critchlow
10.Worst training drill?Bleep Test
11.If you didn’t play rugby, what sport would you playTennis
12.Favourite rugby momentAcademy Grand Final
13.Celebrity lookalikeAnyone tanned and with white teeth
14.Which 3 famous people would you have over for dinnerBrad Fitler, Alex Ferguson & Morgan Freeman
15.Last try you scoredBlackburn Away for the 2nds.

Dave is kindly sponsored by Concept Signs, If you are interested in sponsoring a Bolton RUFC player, then please let us know here.